Saturday, July 5, 2008


Know, then, whatever cheerful and serene
Supports the mind supports the body too.
                                   ~John Armstrong

I’ve started a blog. A Web-log. But I’m not at all good with diaries and schedules and stuff. I have wanted to keep a diary when I was young but just about lacked the perseverance to keep at it. This is not going to be a diary. This is going to be about laughing, about having fun. About meeting somebody named CML, tentatively getting to know him better and creating a life long companionship with him. About accepting and giving back.

This is not all going to be about me (I hope). Yes, I have Leukaemia, I will talk about it. I will tell you how I got it, what Leukaemia is and what it means to have something like that in Sri Lanka. But, if ever this blog goes onto become a “Boo hoo, I have leukaemia! Come wrap your arms around me” type of thing; warn me, I promise I’ll stop. And in due course if I can convince at least one or two of you, to have hope in the face of cancer or any other disease, I’ve done my bit.

Before you ask I have a good prognosis and am going to outlive you, or give you a good run at it.

I hope you’ll enjoy the race… I know I’m going to.

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